Internal communication
The sharing of corporate values is an essential element for the success of Snai. For this reason, internal communications assume a strategic role.
The Company considers internal communication to be an essential tool for spreading awareness of corporate values through the entire organization.
Communication tools are therefore considered tools of strategic significance for creating a sense of responsibility and motivation.
As a result, the expansion of communication channels (e-mails, Intranet portal, newsletters) utilized also internally by Snai is not just a sign of changing times but also the expression of a specific Company objective and the implementation of a development strategy.
It guarantees prompt and traceable communications between employees, thereby ensuring the possibility of spreading and sharing information in a capillary and immediate manner.
Intranet portal
Accessible by all collaborators, it is a digital environment used to spread all information and a useful consultation tool for information on Company policies, procedures and practices.
The newsletter is the result of a collaboration between multiple company departments and is distributed by mail; it serves two purposes.
The first is disclosing information about the Company business - through a dynamic multimedia tool – of strategic/policy nature and useful for spreading the Company’s identity.
The second, on the other hand, involves exchanges of information: involving people, allowing for dialogue, and making people feel important through the contribution that they can provide with their observations, requests, initiatives.