Initiatives and projects


Faced with the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, Snaitech - through iZilove Foundation - supports the Francesca Rava Foundation project aimed at bringing medical aid to hospitals on the territory but also to meet the most urgent needs of thousands of refugees fleeing from Ukraine and in the camps on the border. The priority at the moment is to buy and send medical equipment, essential for Ukrainian pediatric hospitals and for the first line: first aid kits, electrocoagulators, monitors for vital parameters, antibiotics, anticoagulants, surgical instruments, electrosurgical instruments, tourniquets, hypothermic blankets. Also thanks to the collaboration with the non-profit organization, Snaitech has also activated an internal campaign in all three sites of Milan, Rome and Porcari aimed at collecting basic necessities to be sent to the areas most affected by the war.


Special Olympics Italia

Snaitech, through the iZilove Foundation, shares with Special Olympics Italia two overarching aims within a program of social responsibility: increasingly raising the public’s awareness on the matter of intellectual disability through solid promotional campaigns throughout Italy and sharing the same values (integration, participation and enthusiasm) as its corporate mission.

In this regard, sports have on numerous occasions have proven to offer great opportunities for growth, accomplishing one’s goals and aggregation, not to mention pure fun and entertainment. With Special Olympics Italia, Snaitech intends to launch this new great challenge: to draw its own audience closer to the matter of intellectual disability using all of the communication tools at its disposal. The opportunity to feel a sense of belonging to a group that shares common values is a concept which has been completely espoused by Snaitech. And it dedicates its utmost passion and commitment to this mission.

The first step in this journey together was taken in February 2017, when Snaitech opened its fund-raising campaign for Italian athletes in tandem with the National Winter Games of Bormio (5-10 February 2017) and launched, using its own communication means, the “#IoAdottoUnCampione”. In 2018, during the XXXIV National Summer Games, Snaitech has hosted the Opening Ceremony at the Snai Sesana Racetrack of Montecatini Terme and thanks to the corporate volunteering program “My Special Days”, over 130 employees offered a concrete support to the manifestation, thus experiencing the true meaning of the term “inclusion”. In 2019, the partnership with the Special Olympics crossed national borders during the Abu Dhabi Summer World Games, during which Snaitech supported two athletes, Sara and Marco, thanks to the "#ioAdottoUnCampione" awareness campaign. In the same year, iZilove Foundation also supported the YAP (Young Athletes Program) project, dedicated to children from 2 to 7 years with intellectual disabilities. In 2020, the collaboration with Special Olympics Italia continues with the Sappada XXXI National Winter Games and the Smart Games, the first remote sporting event organised during the Covid-19 health emergency, also supported in 2021 at the second edition.

In 2022 iZilove Foundation is next to Special Olympics Italy on the occasion of the XXXVII Edition of the National Summer Games scheduled from June 4 to 9, 2022 in Turin. 3000 expected athletes, 1500 volunteers, 20 different sports disciplines: these are the numbers of the most important event organized by the Italian movement, in which Snaitech participates with its team of volunteers.

Francesca Rava Foundation – N.P.H. Italia Onlus

The Francesca Rava Foundation is an Onlus, established in 2000, with the mission of helping disadvantaged children in Italy and in the world and represents in Italy the organization N.P.H. – Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (Our little brothers) an international humanitarian organization which for the last 60 years has rescued orphans and abandoned children. Our partnership with the iZilove foundation has the goal of supporting foster homes in Milan, Rome and Lucca (which are the locations of Snaitech’s three offices). In particular, the project entails support for sports activities (swimming, basketball and horse-riding therapy), as well as therapeutic/psychological and scholastic activities for children who have been removed from their families and are hosted in foster homes, as well as for needy families, through the organization of events for children in the area dedicated to children at Snai San Siro Racetrack or through special internal initiatives such as, for example, “Children in the Office” and fair Christmas markets. In 2020, during the health emergency, the project focused on the 'SOS-SPESA' local area initiative, donating basic necessities, protective equipment and home schooling devices to the three family shelter homes. In 2021, iZilove Foundation supported the "Isole Fiorite" project, a horticultural therapy workshop dedicated to children in the communities of Milan, Rome and Florence, with a calendar of appointments dedicated to biodiversity and respect for the environment. In addition, as part of the project dedicated to family homes, support was given to the SOS Scuola initiative, which guaranteed training and rehabilitation courses. The path together continues in 2022 with the "Children in Goal" project, which includes three initiatives - linked to three specific SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) focused on environmental protection, education, and gender equality - designed for the three family home supported by the Francesca Rava Foundation and iZilove Foundation.


Plastic Free

The catastrophic effects produced by plastic pollution on the environment are increasingly worrying: every year 570,000 million tons of plastic end up in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the equivalent of 33,800 plastic bottles thrown into the sea every minute. Faced with this situation, Snaitech, through iZilove Foundation, its body dedicated to good causes, has decided in 2022 to support the cause of PlasticFree, the most important voluntary association active in the fight against plastic pollution and the protection of our ecosystem. In addition, on the occasion of Snaitech Sustainability Week, Snaitech employees were involved in a corporate volunteer activity through which they cleaned up plastic and garbage from some places in the cities of Rome, Lucca and Milan.

Furthermore, iZilove Foundation also supports the School Project, thanks to which Plastic Free will carry out four awareness-raising events in as many schools located in Lazio, Tuscany and Lombardy. At the same schools, water purification systems will be installed with the aim of reducing the consumption of single-use plastic, allowing each student to fill their own water bottle free of charge.


Renato Piatti Foundation

The Renato Piatti Foundation develops projects and provides services to more than 500 persons affected by psychological disorders, with the aim of supporting their families, helping them to recover their skills and favouring social inclusion. Through the iZilove Foundation, Snaitech supported the Piatti Foundation again in 2019 and undertook various charitable initiatives with them, including the Milonga Solidale, hosted at the Snai San Siro Hippodrome, and the Christmas markets held at the Snaitech headquarters in Milan, an opportunity for all employees to purchase gifts and thus make a concrete contribution to the projects run by the Foundation. In 2020, through iZilove Foundation, Snaitech supported "Toc Toc", a remote tele-rehabilitation project that involved 150 children and their families. In 2021, iZilove Foundation supported Fondazione Renato Piatti with the project "Aula Magica", a multisensory space in which, after a design and renovation, rehabilitation interventions will be carried out for about 90 children hosted by the Autism Center of Milan. In 2022 the partnership continues and iZilove Foundation is awarded by the Renato Piatti Foundation with the new title of merit "Impresa per bene", given by the non-profit organization to companies that have made a concrete act of social responsibility. Furthermore, with the 'Magic Touch' project, iZilove Foundation donated a 75-inch 4K interactive touchscreen monitor to the Autism Centre in Milan, equipped with all specific software designed for children with autism and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Costruiamo il Futuro Foundation 

In 2022, for the fifth consecutive year, through iZilove Foundation, Snaitech supports the Costruiamo il Futuro Award, a charity project of the Costruiamo il Futuro Foundation, which, since 2001, has been promoting research activities, meetings, exhibitions and training, favouring the participation of young people with the intervention of business, artisanal and cultural community leaders. In particular, the Award concretely supports the commitment and projects of the sports associations of Milan and its province, which dedicate their work in particular to children and young people, generating positive environments capable of educating through sport.



The mission of Care&Share is to provide education and assistance to poor and needy Indian children. Its attention is focused on poor children in rural areas and in the slums of the city of Vijayawada (which is in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh) and naturally on assistance and education initiatives for street children hosted in our two facilities Daddy's Home and Butterfly Hill. Through its «Scholarships» program, iZilove Foundation intends to ensure the continuation of studies to deserving students at three Colleges in Vijawavada, ensuring that they are given the opportunity to complete their studies and begin a new life with a solid educational background. In 2019 Snaitech renovated a primary school and an Anganwadi Centre in the village of Panasapalli, a government centre offering free healthcare, nutritional support and recreational and school activities to women and children. In 2020 the iZilove Foundation supports the renovation of the Prem Nikethan, a rehabilitation institution for children with motor and/or psychological disabilities. In 2021, iZilove Foundation supported Women4Change, a project that aims to help Indian women, who are often invisible and victims of discrimination, by offering concrete tools for their independence. The initiative has helped 32 Indian women to start their own tailoring business. Each of them received a sewing machine and participated in a dedicated training course.


POLIMI Graduate School of Management

Snaitech, thanks to the collaboration established with POLIMI Graduate School of Management, the management training school of the Milan Polytechnic, confirms its commitment to Italian cultural heritage in 2022 as well. On the occasion of the third edition of the MaBIC Executive Master, iZilove Foundation is supporting the training of two professionals in the cultural sector.



Providing highly populated neighbourhoods of services and tools for interventing in case of cardiac emergencies on site: this is the aim of the collaboration between DiagnostiCare Onlus and iZilove Foundation. "Cardio-protected neighbourhoods" project, implemented in two neighbourhoods of two municipalities in the Lazio region, includes the purchase and installation of defibrillators, the training of voluntary rescue teams and the activation of a telephone line to be used in case of emergency. The initiative aims to guarantee everyone the right to health, medical care and prevention.


Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare - Pisa section

For iZilove Foundation sport means inclusion, team spirit and involvement. From this reflection, thanks to Share 4 Good initiative, was born the collaboration with the Italian Union for the Fight against Muscular Dystrophy - Pisa section for the project "Sbocciando – Liberi di essere campioni", dedicated to the promotion of the sport of bowls in the territory of Pisa in its Paralympic version. With the support of iZilove Foundation have been purchased sports equipment useful to achieve the discipline and has been supported the campaign to raise awareness and information in the area. In 2022, the collaboration continued with a new project under the name 'Insieme si può' (Together we can), which included numerous initiatives: first and foremost, the creation of an amateur sports association, the purchase of new sports equipment, and support for the team's trips and awareness-raising campaign in schools and bowling centres.


Associazione Riaccendi il Sorriso

The association, winner of Share 4 Good 2022, has launched with the project "Disconnected in health" a series of initiatives aimed at raising awareness among parents, educators, paediatricians and representatives of the world of sport on the consequences of the abuse of technology in young people. iZilove Foundation supports the Associazione Riaccendi il Sorriso in the implementation of information campaigns within institutes and schools with training proposals for teachers and operators. Among the measures envisaged to discourage the excessive use of devices, there is also the promotion of sporting activity, a point in common with Snaitech, which - in the practice of sport and in all the values linked to it (from inclusion to passion to teamwork) - identifies one of its founding pillars.


Tice Cooperativa Sociale

Tice is an association that provides services, training and research in the field of psychology. Through the project 'Building self-esteem in pre-adolescence', among the winners of Share 4 Good 2022 and supported by iZilove Foundation, the organisation proposes a pathway for the self-esteem enhancement of female pre-adolescents with emotional difficulties through an online group intervention involving meetings mediated by two psychologists to address different topics: emotions, body changes, friendship, use of social media, cooperation and the future.



Associazione Antiviolenza Luna

Centro Luna is a non-profit association with the aim of preventing and fighting all types of gender and child violence. With the project "Riparto da me", supported by iZilove Foundation through the initiative Share 4 Good, the reintegration of women victims of violence is supported through: acquisition, where necessary, of the Italian language, course for a driving licence, vocational courses in the sector such as HACCP, courses for the use of PCs, internships or apprenticeships aimed at the acquisition of basic skills in order to reintegrate into the world of work.