Gaming Machines
Experience, security, reliability, continuous innovation, quality, attention to and safeguarding of customers are just some of the factors which distinguish the Snaitech approach.
4,917€ mil
Wagers* 2022
Market share*
* based on GGR
The NewSlot devices and Videolottery devices, known respectively under the acronyms AWP (Amusement with Prizes) and VLT (Video Lottery Terminal), are entertainment devices offering cash winnings, regulated by art. 110 paragraph 6 letters A and B of the T.U.L.P.S.
(Testo Unico sulle Leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza – Consolidated Public Safety Laws) and and by specific decrees issued by the Customers and Monopolies Agency (ADM).
Two complementary offers
Main characteristics: New Slot devices
The NewSlot devices are electronic devices that disburse winnings in cash, authorized by the Customers and Monopolies Agency.
The gaming device is activated through the introduction of Euro coins.
For each game, it is possible to wager up to a maximum of €1.00.
The duration of a game cannot be less than 4 seconds.
The maximum winnings permitted per game total €100.00 and are disbursed immediately upon the conclusion of the game.
Winnings cannot be lower than 68% of the sums wagered out of a cycle of not more than 140,000 games per device. Minors under 18 years of age are strictly prohibited from playing.
The devices cannot reproduce, in whole or in part, poker or its fundamental rules. .
The technical Rules of production and technical verification of fun and entertainent machines and devices referred to in art. 110, paragraph 6 of the T.U.L.P.S. are specified in D.D. dated 4 December 2003, later amended by D.D. dated 19 September 2006.
Main characteristics: Videolottery
Videolottery are gaming terminals connected to a central system which determintes the outcome of each game ona random basis.
It is possible to introduce coins, bills and hard copy tickets into Videolottery.
For each game, wagers range from a minimum of € 0.50 to a maximum of € 10.00, depending upon the game selected.
The maximum winnings permitted for each game, excluding the jackpot, amounts to € 5,000.00;
The maximum amount of the jackpot for each gaming room totals € 100,000.00.
The maximum amount of the jackpot for each gaming system totals € 500,000.00.
The grant of the jackpot does not depend at all on the gaming strategy followed by the player or the amount of the wagers placed.
The Payout, expressed as a percentage of the winnings disbursed by the gaming system out of the total sums wagered for each individual game installed, cannot be lower than 85%.
Minors under 18 years of age are strictly prohibited from using VLT devices.
The technical and functioning requests of VLT gaming systems set forth in art.110, paragraph 6, letter b) of T.U.L.P.S. are set forth in decree dated 22 January 2010.