
The values, together with the objectives, are the cornerstones of Snaitech and characterize it corporate identity.


Being responsible means acting with respect for all stakeholders, in all activities, focusing unwavering attention on achieving challenging goals and the implications of economic sustainability, as well as ensuring steady results within appropriate timeframes and in the best way possible.


At a company where sports serve as an instrument for creating corporate culture, passion is a founding value in our drive to perform our work commitments with dedication and participation. It means taking on challenges and making ourselves available at all times and on an ongoing basis in the context of our planning activities in order to share our results with all of our colleagues and stakeholders.  


Our ongoing search for and focus on all that technological advancements make available to companies, new products, state-of-the-art solutions and opportunities, also thanks to input from leading professionals, are aimed at achieving the goal of creating a winning innovation process;  this is the outcome resulting from a shared system of organization, roles, responsibilities, processes and coordination instruments.  


At a company that is constantly evolving and was founded through a merger of two different companies bringing with them different experiences, involvement and the adoption of common values are particularly crucial. This means facilitating the sharing of know how and skills with a view to ensuring ongoing personal enrichment and promoting communications to allow for the hands-on involvement of all stakeholders with the ultimate aim of achieving common objectives with enthusiasm.