SNAI Group - Business Plan 2014-2016

SNAI Group is presenting today the 2014/2016 Business Plan, aimed at increase the market share in the three years period, leveraging on the strength and reliability of the brand and on the extension of the offering.
Main development and growth strategic guidelines are:

  • optimization of performances in Sports Betting focusing on margins improvement, through a stronger control to maximize contractual benefits;
  • better and more balanced territorial coverage of the network, to boost the market share in important areas;
  • full exploitation of the potential of the new Virtual Events offering, also to support the expansion of the distribution network;
  • growth in the On Line Skill and Casino Games segment, also through commercial agreements with important players in the industry;
  • optimization and requalification of Machines Gaming areas in shops and arcades;
  • development of services dedicated to partners (training, dedicated website) and actions targeted at achieving loyalty;
  • launch of new services for clients in order to maximize the opportunities of the distribution network;
  • improved focus on horse race activities.

The achievement of the BP targets will contribute to keep and maintain the economic and financial stability over time, and ensure the resources necessary for the business development.

We report below 2014 2016 Plan KPI :

EBITDA  92,6  ~ 102-107  ~ 115-120
Reported pre tax profit/(loss)  (100.1) Slightly
Capital expenditure  39.8  ~ 20  ~ 17
Net Debt /(Cash)  443.4  ~ 420/425  ~ 355/360
Free Cash Flow  (73.8)  ~ 20  ~ 40
Net Debt/EBITDA  4,8x  ~4.0x  ~3.0x

Milan, 08 April 2014

08 Apr 2014 - 10:39